Phd students in ai ethics
Annual Research Vignettes – 2022
A showcase of 5-minute vignettes from PhD students and doctoral graduates from around the world working on responsible AI.
One session will be Europe/Africa/America timezone friendly, and one will be America/Asia/Pacific timezone friendly.
The format is blocks of 3 x 5 min talks followed by 15 min discussion and Q&A. Each session will run for a total of about 2.5 hours.
All presenters must be members of our group and either a current higher degree by research student (that is PhD, Master’s by Research, or Master’s of Philosophy; this excludes Master’s by Coursework degrees), or a graduate of such a degree within the last 5 years.
The first version of this in 2021 was hugely successful and saw a lot of connections and cross collaborations arise from that event.
Expressions of interest will open September 2022.