Phd students in ai ethics

Group updates & social mixer.

26th July 18.00pm AEST (Sydney) / 10.00am CEST (Paris).

We have been busy behind the scenes giving our club a big refresh! We have aligned it to members’ expressed desires in our strategy meetings earlier this year. As we have grown far bigger than we expected, we also spent time looking at our structure to ensure we continue to grow globally and inclusively, and ensure longevity of the group. Now it’s time to tell you about the new changes and launch into our second growth phase!


One of our primary objectives is to connect PhD, Master’s by Research, Postdocs, and Early Career Researchers in the field of AI Ethics. Therefore, the second half of this meeting is dedicated to mixing in smaller breakout rooms which we will re-shuffle once or twice so that you can make lots of new connections!



Part 1: Club updates.

6pm-6.45pm AEST, Sydney Australia (GMT: 8am; Paris: 10am)

Welcome: Bec Johnson

Celebrating our successes: Giada Pistilli

New club structure & upcoming Elections: Tricia Griffin

Membership changes: Leslye Dias

Upcoming events: Natalia Menéndez González


Part 2: Social mixer

6.50pm-8pm AEST, Sydney Australia

Small breakout rooms, reshuffled once or twice so you can move around and meet more people.


Zoom link is available on our main Slack channel.

Slack space open to members only.

Membership application: